Fig 7. MDV-induced CD4+ lymphoma cells express TGF-beta.
Confocal microscopy of spleen sections from non-infected (Ai and Aii; two different magnifications) and MDV-infected birds (Bi and Bii; two different magnifications) are shown. CD4+ T cells (green) and TGF-beta+ cells (red) and nuclei (DAPI; Blue) are depicted. (C) A representative FACS histogram showing membrane bound TGF-beta on MDV-induced CD4+ lymphoma (265L); dotted lines (isotype control MAb) and shaded grey (anti-TGF-beta mAb). (D) Confocal microscopy of MDV-induced CD4+ T cell lymphoma cell line (265L) expressing intracellular TGF-beta (red) and nuclei (DAPI; Blue). (E) The variation in the absolute copy number of mRNA transcript for TGF-beta receptor I (red) and TGF-beta receptor II (blue) receptor in 265L and primary CD4+ T cells. The ct values for TGF-beta receptor I and II were normalized against the GAPDH house keeping gene and plotted in the standard curve. Results are mean ± S.E.M. of five independent replicates. The tissues are representative of six different infected and non-infected birds. The results from tumour cell lines are representative of 10 different experiments. (F) 265L lymphoma cells inhibited T cell proliferation in a transwell experiment. Splenocytes (in the lower chamber) were stimulated with Con-A, while 265L lymphoma cells were cultured in the upper chamber. T cell proliferation was analysed 3 days after the stimulation using a CFSE-based proliferation assay. (G) Cell culture supernatant from 265L lymphoma cells (5% of total cell culture media) inhibited T cell proliferations. Splenocytes were cultured in 100% media or 95% media and 5% supernatant and T cell proliferation was analysed after Con-A stimulation using CFSE-based proliferation assay. (H) 265L lymphoma cells were resistant to the effects of soluble factors. 265L lymphoma cells were cultured in 100% media or 60% supernatant plus 40% media and the proliferation was analysed using a CFSE-based proliferation assay. (I)Treatment of the cells with SC-236 (PGE2 inhibitor) alone or in combination with TGF-beta blocking antibody partially restored T cell proliferation.