Notch signaling is critical for anaphylaxis responses. Notch2DC−/− (A), Notch1DC−/− (D), and ADAM10DC−/− N1-ICD+ (G) mice were subjected to the active systemic anaphylaxis protocol and core body temperature was measured after challenged with OVA. OVA-specific and total IgE were measured in the serum of Notch2DC−/− (B, C), Notch1DC−/− (E, F), and ADAM10DC−/− N1-ICD+ (H, I) mice on day 21 after immunization. J. WT, ADAM10DC−/−, and ADAM10DC−/− N1-ICD+ mice were examined in the HDM model of allergic airway inflammation. K. Total serum IgE after HDM protocol. Data are from two independent experiments with n = 6 – 9 mice per group. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. *p<0.05, unpaired Student’s t test.