Combined effect of the ostracism parameters and the difference between sustainable and unsustainable norms on the stability of the equilibria. (a) Shape of the ostracism function for varying maximum ostracism wmax. (U) Weak sanctioning (wmax = 0.4) and stability of the unsustainable equilibrium only, such that w(0) < w(1) < Uu(B*u) < Uu(B*s); (U/M) intermediate sanctioning (wmax = 0.64) and bistability of the unsustainable and the mixed equilibria; (U/S) strong sanctioning (wmax = 0.8) and bistability of the unsustainable and the sustainable equilibria, such that w(1) > Uu(B*s) and w(0) > Uu(B*u). See electronic supplementary material, table S1 for other parameter values. (b) Stable equilibria with varying maximum ostracism wmax and unsustainable labour elasticity αu. Regions (U), (U/M) and (U/S) correspond to the red, blue and black curves in (a), respectively.