Fig. 4.
Details of the high-pressure structure and superconductivity information for the superconducting HEA (TaNb)0.67(HfZrTi)0.33 and comparison with the behavior of constituent elements. (A and B) Pressure dependence of the lattice parameter and unit cell volume extracted from two independent XRD experiments. The SD for the lattice parameters obtained from the diffraction data are ∼1%. (C) The pressure-dependent change in the superconducting transition temperature of the HEA compared with those of Nb and Ta, its major elemental constituents. To make a better comparison with the reported TC of elemental Nb (determined by magnetic susceptibility measurements, ref. 28), we use the midpoint TC of our HEA and Ta samples in C. The solid circles, blue triangles, and yellow squares are the data for the HEA obtained in this study, the purple squares and orange diamonds are the data previously reported for elemental Nb (28) and Ta (29), respectively, and the violet diamonds are the data for elemental Ta found in this study. (D) Superconducting upper critical field Hc2 as a function of temperature for the HEA at ambient pressure and pressures of 103.7 and 179.2 GPa. The dashed lines represent the slopes of the upper critical fields (dHc2/dT)T = Tc at different pressures. (Inset) Pressure dependence of the zero-temperature upper critical field Hc2(0) for the HEA superconductor up to ∼180 GPa.