APOBEC1 is required for the proper phagocytosis and migration of BMDMs. (A) Phagocytosis of S. aureus pHrodo particles. (Left) Schematic of the phagocytosis setup: Phrodo-labeled particles are nonfluorescent in cell culture media; however, upon phagocytosis, they are transported to the lysosome inside the cell, whose acidic environment allows the particle to become fluorescent. (Right) Phagocytosis assay (n = 5). Error bars represent the SEM; statistical significance was obtained using a t test. MOI, multiplicity of infection. (B) Transendothelial migration assay. (Left) Schematic of the migration setup: Cells are plated in a two-chamber well (Top blue), which separates the cells from the chemokine (purple) via a porous membrane (green). Cells then transverse the membrane and can be quantified. (Right) Quantification of migration toward CXCL12. Error bars represent the SEM; statistical analysis was performed using the multiple measured one-way ANOVA, followed by a t test with Bonferroni’s correction (n = 3). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.0001.