Fig. 5.
Chronic measurements of behavior-related dopamine release. (A) Phasic dopamine increase with intake of sweet liquid reward, measured from dorsomedial putamen (p1 in monkey M2). (B) Dopamine increase in CN (cl5b in M2) after intake of sweet liquid. (C) Dopamine increase in CN (cn3 in M1) during delivery of sweet potato treat. (D) Representative dopamine increase in putamen (p3 in M2) after surprising closing of chamber door. (E and F) Dopamine changes in small (E) and large (F) reward trials in 1DR task (legend of event markers in Fig. S5). (G) Average dopamine concentration changes detected in small and large reward trials. For E–G, measurements were taken from ventral CN of M2 on postimplant day 131. Error bars show SE of mean.