Fig. 9.
Effects of GmMAX3b-overexpression and GmMAX3b knockdown on hormone levels in hairy roots. Chimerical soybean plants with wild-type shoots and transgenic hairy roots overexpressing GmMAX3b (GmMAX3b-OE), GmMAX3b-knockdown (GmMAX3b-KD) and GUS vector control were inoculated with Bradirhizobium japonicum strain USDA110. Hairy roots were sampled for hormones and gene expression analysis at 28 days post inoculation. a Hormone contents in GmMAX3b-OE, GmMAX3b-KD and GUS hairy roots. b Validation of auxin biosynthetic genes TAAs and YUCs in GmMAX3b-OE, GmMAX3b-KD and GUS hairy root lines. c Heat map analysis of hormone biosynthesis and signaling genes in GmMAX3b-OE, GmMAX3b-KD and GUS hairy root lines. d Validation of SL biosynthesis and signaling genes in GmMAX3b-OE, GmMAX3b-KD and GUS hairy root lines. Data are expressed as means ± s.d from at least three independent experiments with duplicates. Differences are analyzed with student’s t test, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01