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. 2017 Dec 22;3(12):eaaq0208. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaq0208

Fig. 1. Crystal structure and surface characterization of lamellar solids containing layer-controlled CQWs.

Fig. 1

(A) Schematics of the superlattice structure in lamellar solids showing layer-controlled perovskite CQWs (n = 3 here) sandwiched between long alkyl ligands. AFM height (B) and phase (C) images of n = 3 MA lamellar solid deposited on glass substrate. Scale bars, 1 μm. deg, degree. Synchrotron GISAXS (D) and GIWAXS (E) patterns for the same sample, with the superlattice signals labeled. (F) GIWAXS pattern of n = 3 MA drop-casted film showing the extended DS rings along the angular coordinate χ. (G) Comparison of orientation distribution function using the normalized scattering intensity of the (002) DS ring with respect to χ in lamellar and drop-casted solids.