From scratch test assay, cell migration within standalone and cocultures of ReNcells and GBMs was divided into two zones – frontline (first 100 μm from scratch interface) and midline (next 100 μm behind frontline). Cumulative distance migrated by individual frontline cells over 56 h was tracked in GBMs cultured alone (A-1), GBM cocultures (B-1), ReNcells cultured alone (C-1), and ReNcell cocultures (D-1). Similarly, distance migrated by individual midline cells was tracked within GBMs cultured alone (A-2), GBM cocultures (B-2), ReNcells cultured alone (C-2), and ReNcell cocultures (D-2). Each symbol corresponds to a cell tracked over the test duration, and at least 15 individual cells were randomly selected and plotted for each culture condition.