Fig. 2.
Correlation imaging of the H2 two-electron wave function. a–f Momentum distributions of electron A resulting from the projection of the two-electron wave function of H2 onto different states of electron B; a, c uncorrelated Hartree-Fock wave function; d, f fully correlated wave function. The different quantum states of electron B are (a, d), (b, e) and (c, f). Circular lines show a.u. (c, d, f) and a.u. b, e which correspond to ionization by a photon of 400 eV energy. g–i ground state wave function (intensity distributions along the circular lines shown in (d, f). j–l Experimental and theoretical MFPADs (symbols and green line, respectively) obtained after photoionization with circularly polarized photons of an energy of 400 eV for the same final states of electron B measured in coincidence. Ions and electrons are selected to be in the plane of polarization of the ionizing photon and data for left and right circularly polarized light are added. Molecular orientation as indicated. The error bars indicate the standard deviation of the mean value