Figure 1.
Changes from baseline in nausea, vomiting and retching severity scores, measured by PAGI-SYM, and overall symptom severity using GCSI, by treatment group Mean values of changes from baseline during treatment with aprepitant (63 patients) or placebo (63 patients) for up to 4-weeks are shown. P-values for overall treatment effect of change over time were derived from GEE linear regression, modeling change as a function of treatment group, visit code indicator, baseline value of the outcome, and a treatment group by visit code interaction term. Nausea (A), vomiting (B), and retching (C) severity and overall symptoms (GCSI) decreased in both treatment groups over follow-up, but patients assigned to aprepitant had significantly greater decreases over time compared to patients assigned to placebo, P=0.006, P<0.0001, P=0.002, and P=0.001, respectively.