Figure 1. Characterization of molecular phenotypes in iPSC-derived sensory neurons.
(a) Schematic of IPSDSN differentiation and assays. iPSCs were received in Essential 8 (E8) medium (N=82) or on mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs, N=49), and transferred to KSR-XF medium. Over 11 days, different inhibitor combinations were added (2i, 5i, 3i, see Methods), and N2B27 medium phased in, followed by transfer to growth factor medium at day 11 for neuronal maturation. (b) PCA plot projecting IPSDSN, iPSC, and DRG samples onto the first two principal components defined based on RNA-seq FPKMs in GTEx tissues. Some GTEx tissues are unlabelled due to overlapping labels. (c) Expression of sensory neuronal marker genes (SCN9A, DRGX) and key iPSC genes (NANOG, POU5F1).