Table 2.
Total number of violations of required research practices per study, for publications in 2015–2016 using the National Inpatient Sample.
Number of violations of required practices |
Overall (N = 120) |
Journal impact factor <10 (N = 96) |
Journal impact factor ≥10 (N = 24) |
Estimates for the universe of NIS studies, N=1082* |
Number (%) of studies | Projected number of studies (95% CI) |
Projected percentage of studies (95% CI) |
0 | 18 (15.0%) | 10 (10.4%) | 8 (33.3%) | 114 (50 to 177) | 10.5% (4.7 to 16.4) |
1 | 28 (23.3%) | 21 (21.9%) | 7 (29.2%) | 229 (143 to 315) | 21.2% (13.2 to 29.1) |
2 | 36 (30.0%) | 32 (33.3%) | 4 (16.7%) | 342 (244 to 440) | 31.6% (22.6 to 40.7) |
3 | 30 (25.0%) | 25 (26.0%) | 5 (20.8%) | 269 (178 to 360) | 24.9% (16.5 to 33.3) |
≥4 | 8 (6.7%) | 8 (8.3%) | 0 (0.0%) | 85 (28 to 142) | 7.8% (2.5 to 13.1) |
P value = 0.025 (Chi-square test for comparison of studies in journals with impact factor <10 vs ≥10)
Results reflect weighted estimates that applied to all studies using NIS data during the study period. An additional estimated 43 studies (95% CI 2 to 85) or 4.0% (95% CI 0.2% to 7.8%) correspond to the 5 studies excluded for using the NIS as a secondary source of data.
NIS, National Inpatient Sample