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. 2017 Feb 7;3:283–293. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2017.02.002

Table 1.

OLS regressions with implicit attitudes towards cutting (D scores) from Switzerland, normalized to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one, as a response variable. Standard errors, either robust (RSE) or not (SE), are shown in parentheses. Regressors include the age of the participant, the sex, variables indicating if the participant has at least one daughter and at least one son, months in Switzerland (CH), the proportion of one's life in Switzerland (CH), an indicator variable for German fluency, an indicator variable for being employed, and an indicator variable for whether the participant comes from a family of nomads. Breusch–Pagan tests for heteroskedasticity. Because the test does not detect significant heteroskedasticity when our cultural integration variables are included, we show results from the full model without robust standard errors in the last column.

Parameter Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate
(RSE) (RSE) (RSE) (RSE) (SE)
Intercept −0.183 −0.091 0.063 −1.802* −1.802*
(0.618) (0.215) (0.109) (0.718) (0.685)
Age 0.0039 0.063* 0.063*
(0.021) (0.025) (0.025)
Female 0.297 0.295 0.295
(0.323) (0.331) (0.274)
Daughter(s) 0.249 0.209 0.209
(0.370) (0.337) (0.285)
Son(s) −0.232 −0.177 −0.177
(0.264) (0.268) (0.283)
Months −0.0015 −0.011* −0.011**
in CH (0.0039) (0.0054) (0.0037)
Proportion 0.00099 0.019 0.019*
life in CH (0.0069) (0.011) (0.0086)
Fluent in 0.157 −0.034 −0.034
local lang (0.359) (0.341) (0.275)
Employed 0.353 0.403 0.403
(0.384) (0.327) (0.255)
Family −0.353 −0.397 −0.397
nomads (0.473) (0.512) (0.337)

Breusch–Pagan 9.800 6.358 3.887 11.951
d.f. 4 4 1 9
p=0.044 p=0.174 p=0.049 p=0.216

*** (0.001).



