What is your date of birth? Please enter it in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy. |
Open-ended |
What is your cell phone number? Please enter in the following format: 1 555 555 5555 |
Open-ended |
What is your gender? |
Male; female; transgender (FTM); transgender (MTF); nonbinary; other (please specify) |
What is your race? Check all that apply. |
American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; black or African American; Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander; white or Caucasian; other (please describe) |
Are you Hispanic or Latino? |
Yes; no |
What zip code do you live in? |
Open-ended |
What is the highest level of education you have achieved? |
Eighth grade or less; some high school; high school graduate; some vocational/technical training; completed vocational/technical training; some college; completed an associate’s degree; completed a bachelor’s degree; some graduate school; completed a master’s degree; some graduate training beyond a master’s degree; completed a doctoral degree |
What is the highest level of education any parent/guardian has achieved? |
Eighth grade or less; some high school; high school graduate; some vocational/technical training; completed vocational/technical training; some college; completed an associate’s degree; completed a bachelor’s degree; some graduate school; completed a master’s degree; some graduate training beyond a master’s degree; completed a doctoral degree |
Who do you live with most of the time? |
My parent(s)/guardian(s); my aunt/uncle; my kids; in a dorm; in apartment or house with other people, not family; in a fraternity/sorority; I live alone; other; my spouse, partner, or significant other |
How many people are in your immediate family? (Include you, any parents/guardians, siblings, step-siblings, etc) |
1-3; 4-6; 7-10; ≥10 |
What is your parent(s)/guardians’ current marital status? |
Married; together but not married; separated; divorced; widowed; unsure |
How did you hear about MyVoice? |
From a family member; from a friend; Facebook; Instagram; other |
Socioeconomic status measure for respondents under age 18 (version received determined by participant’s date of birth) |
Thinking about the house you live in at the moment, do your parents own it or rent it? (If they have a mortgage, tick “they own it”) |
They own it; they rent it; I don’t know |
Do you have a car or van at home? |
Yes, one car or van; yes, more than one car or van; no, we don’t own a car or van |
Which of the following Internet technology devices do you have at home? |
Desktop computer; laptop computer; iPad or other tablet; other (please specify) |
When you were in middle/high school, did you receive free or reduced price school lunch? |
Yes; no |
Socioeconomic status measure for respondents age 18 and older (version received determined by participant’s date of birth) |
What is your annual household income? (Just an estimate of the total amount of everyone in your household) |
Open-ended |