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. 2017 Dec 11;6(12):e247. doi: 10.2196/resprot.8502

Table 1.

MyVoice demographic survey completed on enrollment.

Question Response options
What is your date of birth? Please enter it in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy. Open-ended
What is your cell phone number? Please enter in the following format: 1 555 555 5555 Open-ended
What is your gender? Male; female; transgender (FTM); transgender (MTF); nonbinary; other (please specify)
What is your race? Check all that apply. American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; black or African American; Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander; white or Caucasian; other (please describe)
Are you Hispanic or Latino? Yes; no
What zip code do you live in? Open-ended
What is the highest level of education you have achieved? Eighth grade or less; some high school; high school graduate; some vocational/technical training; completed vocational/technical training; some college; completed an associate’s degree; completed a bachelor’s degree; some graduate school; completed a master’s degree; some graduate training beyond a master’s degree; completed a doctoral degree
What is the highest level of education any parent/guardian has achieved? Eighth grade or less; some high school; high school graduate; some vocational/technical training; completed vocational/technical training; some college; completed an associate’s degree; completed a bachelor’s degree; some graduate school; completed a master’s degree; some graduate training beyond a master’s degree; completed a doctoral degree
Who do you live with most of the time? My parent(s)/guardian(s); my aunt/uncle; my kids; in a dorm; in apartment or house with other people, not family; in a fraternity/sorority; I live alone; other; my spouse, partner, or significant other
How many people are in your immediate family? (Include you, any parents/guardians, siblings, step-siblings, etc) 1-3; 4-6; 7-10; ≥10
What is your parent(s)/guardians’ current marital status? Married; together but not married; separated; divorced; widowed; unsure
How did you hear about MyVoice? From a family member; from a friend; Facebook; Instagram; other
Socioeconomic status measure for respondents under age 18 (version received determined by participant’s date of birth)

Thinking about the house you live in at the moment, do your parents own it or rent it? (If they have a mortgage, tick “they own it”) They own it; they rent it; I don’t know

Do you have a car or van at home? Yes, one car or van; yes, more than one car or van; no, we don’t own a car or van

Which of the following Internet technology devices do you have at home? Desktop computer; laptop computer; iPad or other tablet; other (please specify)

When you were in middle/high school, did you receive free or reduced price school lunch? Yes; no
Socioeconomic status measure for respondents age 18 and older (version received determined by participant’s date of birth)

What is your annual household income? (Just an estimate of the total amount of everyone in your household) Open-ended