Fic dimerization is not required to rescue FicE247G toxicity.
A, a representative Western blot shows expression of UAS-Fic transgenes (Fic, FicE247G, FicI271D, FicE247G,271D, FicH375A) under control of the ubiquitous Da-Gal4 driver in a wild-type background. B, representative SEM images of eyes expressing the indicated UAS-Fic transgene with LongGMR-Gal4 in a wild-type or fic30C background. Scale bar, 100 μm. C, representative SEM images of eyes expressing the indicated UAS-Fic transgene along with LongGMR-Gal4, UAS-FicE247G in a fic30C background. Scale bar, 100 μm.