Figure 5.
Phylogenetic turnover, based on presence/absence data (ΠST), at different phylogenetic depths, within the five successional stages. The lines represent, for each successional stage, fitted curves from local polynomial regression (loess, smoothing span = 0.66, polynomial degree = 1), of node age against the standardized effect size of phylogenetic turnover (ΠST _Stand). ΠST _Stand values were calculated as the ratio between observed to expected values of ΠST: ΠST _Stand = (ΠST _obs ‐ΠST _exp)/sd(ΠST _exp), where ΠST _obs is the observed ΠST value at a particular node, and ΠST _exp and sd(ΠST _exp) are the mean and standard deviation of the expected ΠST values from 999 partial phylogenetic tree randomizations among clades younger than that particular node. The two horizontal dashed lines indicate the 0.05 significance levels. Nonrandom and higher‐than‐expected turnover (spatial phylogenetic clustering) was only detected within the two late‐successional stages and at broad phylogenetic scales (from approximately 128–100 Myr)