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. 2017 Nov 10;93(9):677–702. doi: 10.2183/pjab.93.043

Table 1.

Properties of PLA2 subtypes and their biological roles

Family Number of isozymes Nomenclature General names Distributions Enzymatic functions Lipid mobilization Phenotipic outcomes in knockout (KO) mice References
cPLA2 6 PLA2G4A cPLA2α Ubiquitous AA-specific PLA2 Production of AA metabolites or PAF Attenuations of airway inflammation (acute lung injury, bronchial asthma, and plumonary fibrosis), cerebral infarction, neurodegeneration (Alzheimer’s disease), experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, collagen-induced arthritis, metabolic syndrome (atherosclerosis, obesity, and hepatic steatosis), and intestinal cancer. Exacerbations of ulcerative colitis, spinal cord injury, stress-induced cardiac hypertrophy, hemorrhage, female infertility, and renal function. 1424

iPLA2 9 PNPLA1   Epidermal keratinocytes ω-O-acylceramide transacylase Production of ω-O-acylceramide for skin barrier formation Lethal ichthyosis 68
PNPLA2 iPLA2ζ/ATGL Ubiquitous (Abundant in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle) TG lipase Hydrolysis of TG in lipid droplets for fatty acid β-oxidation TG accumulation in multiple tissues, Defective lipolysis and alterd energy metabolism, Cardiac dysfunction, Protection from cancer-associated cachexia by preventing fat loss 57, 58, 60
Impaired phagocytosis of macrophages and resistance to atherosclerosis (macrophage-specific KO) 144
Hyperglycemia due to impaired insulin secretion (β-cell-specific KO) 145
PMPLA3 iPLA2ε/ Adiponutrin Ubiquitous (Abundant in liver and adipose tissue) TG lipase retinyl-palmitate lipase Hepatic TG remodeling for neutral lipid accumulation Perturbed hepatic fatty acid metabolism and TG accumulation under ER stress 146, 147
Exacerbation of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (loss-of-function mutation) 64
PNPLA6 iPLA2δ/NTE Ubiquitous Lysophospholipase Hydrolysis of LPC Embryonic lethality due to placental defect 48
Neurodegeneration (neuron-specific KO) 148
PNPLA7 iPLA2θ/NRE Ubiquitous Lysophospholipase Hydrolysis of LPC Aberrant hepatic metabolism (unpublished data)  
PNPLA8 iPLA2γ/PLA2G6B Ubiquitous PLA1 or PLA2 Membrane (caldiolipin?) remodeling Production of arachidonate metabolites or PUFA-containing lysophospholipids Skeletal muscular weakness, heart failure, and impaired adaptive thermogenesis due to mitochondorial dysfunction and reduced β-oxidation, Resistant to diet- induced metabolic syndrome, Neurodegeneration, Susceptibility to parasitic infection, Platelet dysfunction 46, 149153
PNPLA9 iPLA2β/PLA2G6 Ubiquitous PLA2 Membrane remodeling Production of AA metabolites or PAF Male infertility, Impaired glucose-induced insulin secreteion, Neurodegeneration, Aged-related bone loss, Reduction of pancreatic β-cell apoptosis, migration and contraction of vascular cells, and tumorigenesis of ovarian and breast cancers 54, 55, 154158

PAF-AH 4 PLA2G7 PAFAH/ Lp-PLA2 Plasma PAF acetylhydrolase, oxidized phospholipid- specific PLA2 Hydrolysis of extracellular PAF, Degradation of oxidized phospholipids in lipoproteins Protection from atherosclerosis (human mutations) 78
Resistance to colon tumorigenesis
PAFAH2 PAFAH2/PLA2G7B Liver, Kidney PAF acetylhydrolase, oxidized phospholipid- specific PLA2 Degradation of oxidized phospholipids in cell membranes Protection from oxidative stress-induced liver damage 74
PAFAH1B2 PLA2G8A/PAFAH1 α1 subunit Ubiquitous PAF acetylhydrolase Hydrolysis of intracellular PAF Male infertility due to impaired testicular spermatogenesis, Reduced Aβ production 73, 159, 160
PAFAH1B3 PLA2G8B/PAFAH1 α2 subunit Ubiquitous PAF acetylhydrolase Hydrolysis of intracellular PAF Enlargement of ganglionic eminences in Pafah1b2−/−Pafah1b3−/− mice 161

LPLA2 1 PLA2G15 Lysosomal PLA2 Ubiquitous PLA1 or PLA2 Lysosomal degradation of phospholipids Abberant accumulation of non-degraded surfactant phospholipids in lysosomes of alveolar macrophages (phospholipidosis), Impaired selection and maturation of iNKT cells, Impaired adaptive T cell immunity against mycobacterium 8082

PLAAT 5 PLA2G16 HRASLS3/ H-rev 107/ PLAAT3 Adipocytes PLA1 or PLA2, N-acyl PE acyltransferase Production of eicosanoids? N-acyl-PE metabolism? Resistance to diet-induced obesity and metabolic syndrome 84

ABHD 19 ABHD2   Ubiquitous Hydratase PC metabolism? Increase of smooth muscle cell migration and intimal hyperplasia, Pulmonary emphysema in aged mice due to altered surfactant phospholipid metabolism 161, 162
ABHD3   Ubiquitous Medium-chain and oxidatively truncated phospholipid-selective PLA1 or PLA2 Hydrolysis of phospholipids with medium-chain fatty acids Impaired hydrolysis of myristoyl-phospholipids 90
ABHD4   Ubiquitous N-acyl-phospholipid- selective PLA1 or PLA2 Hydrolysis of N-acyl-phospholipids Impaired hydrolysis of N-acyl-PE 91
ABHD5 CGI-58 Ubiquitous Catalytically inactive Acting as a cofactor for PNPLA2- mediated lipolysis Impaired hydrolysis of TG, Lethal ichthyosis 163, 164
ABHD6   Ubiquitous Lysophospholipase or monoacylglycerol lipase Hydrolysis of lysophospholipids and 2-AG Impaired hydrolysis of 2-AG for microglia migration, Enhanced adipose browning, Attenuated diet-induced obesity and metabolic syndrome 92, 93, 165
ABHD12   Ubiquitous LysoPS lipase Hydrolysis of LysoPS Massive accumulation of LysoPS in brain leading to age-dependent increases in microglial activation, auditory and motor defects 96, 97
ABHD16A   Ubiquitous PS lipase Hydrolysis of PS Lower lysoPS content in the CNS, Reduced body size, Decreased cytokine production by peritoneal macrophages 96

sPLA2 11 PLA2G1B sPLA2-IB Pancreatic acinar cells PLA2 Dietary and biliary phospholipid digestion Resistance to diet-induced obesity, insulin resistance, and atherosclerosis 105, 106, 108
PLA2G2A sPLA2-IIA Small intestinal Paneth cells, Leukocytes, Platelets, Epithelial cells PLA2 Degradation of bacterial membrane phospholipids, Hydrolysis of microparticular phospholipids to yield eicosanoids and lysophospholipids Resistance to bacterial infection (transgenic mice) 113, 114
Resistance to arthritis 115, 126, 166
Increased susceptibility to colorectal cancer (natural mutation) 167
PLA2G2D sPLA2-IID Lymphoid DCs PLA2 Preferential production of ω3 PUFA- derived pro-resolving lipid mediators Exacervation of contact hypersensitivity and psoriasis, Protection from skin cancer and viral infection 7, 116, 117
PLA2G2E sPLA2-IIE Hypertrophic adipocytes, Hair follicles PLA2 Hydrolysis of PE and PS in lipoproteins Uncertain Protection from diet-induced obesity and hyperlipidemia Modest abnormalities in hair follicles 119
PLA2G2F sPLA2-IIF Epidermal keratinocytes PLA2 Production of lysoplasmalogen Protection from psoriasis and skin cancer 6
PLA2G5 sPLA2-V Hypertrophic adipocytes, Bronchial epithelial cells, Macrophages, Smooth muscle cells, Cardiomyocytes PLA2 Hydrolysis of PC in LDL to yield OA Exacerbation of diet-induced obesity and associated metabolic phenotypes 119
Hydrolysis of lung surfactant Neonatal death due to a respiratory defect (transgenic mice) 123
Resistance to LPS-induced airway injury 168
Production of eicosanoids? Reduced Th2 response and asthma 124, 131
Production of LPE or cys-LTs? Defective phagocytosis of harmful materials leading to increased susceptibility to infection and arthritis 125127
Uncertain Protection from atherosclerosis (hematopoietic cell-specific KO), aortic rupture, and myocardial infarction 169171
PLA2G10 sPLA2-X Colorectal epithelial and goblet cells, Sperm PLA2 Mobilization of ω3 PUFAs Exacerbation of colitis and colorectal cancer 24, 167
Production of eicosanoids and LPC Attenuation of asthma and influenza-induced pneumonia 130132
Hydrolysis of sperm membrane phospholipids to yield DPA and LPC Reduced male fertility 24, 129
Production of PGE2? Reduced insulin secretion 172
Production of PUFAs that attenuate nuclear receptor signaling? Hypercorticosteronemia, Reduced TLR4 signaling 173
Uncertain Exacerbation of atherosclerosis with increased Th1 immunity (hematopoietic cell-specific KO), Reduced nociception, Attenuation of aneurysm and myocardial infarction 174176
PLA2G3 sPLA2-III Epididymal epithelial cells, Mast cells PLA2 Sperm membrane phospholipid remodeling Impaired epididymal sperm maturation and male infertility 135
Production of microenvironmental PGD2 Impaired mast cell maturation and associated anaphylaxis 136
PLA2G12B sPLA2-XIIB Hepatocytes Catalytically inactive Uncertain Steatohepatitis due to impaired hepatic VLDL secretion 139

Enzymes whose in vivo functions have been analyzed using knockout mice are summarized.

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