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. 2017 Jul 7;125(7):077006. doi: 10.1289/EHP353

Table 4.

Estimation of the marginal geometric mean difference in p,p′-DDT and p,p′-DDE concentrations (ng/g-lipid) from five hypothetical interventions.a

Population Interventions p,p′-DDT p,p′-DDE
Unexposed (A=0) Exposed (A=1) nb Ψ 95% CI Ψ 95% CI
All Water not piped into home Water piped into home 722 20.0 (45.3, 4.0) 50.2 (152.1, 2.0)
Wet mopping home <7timesperweekc Wet mopping home 7timesperweekc 721 14.6 (36.7, 2.9) 69.0 (128.2, 13.7)
Washing bed sheets <2timespermonthc Washing bed sheets 2timespermonthc 719 11.2 (3.6, 25.5) 19.5 (35.9, 66.8)
Eating a high fat dietd Not eating a high fat dietd 751 0.3 (16.9, 14.5) 30.2 (24.9, 90.7)
Consuming local animal products during pregnancye Not consuming local animal products during pregnancye 751 11.8 (29.4, 3.1) 50.3 (110.5, 17.7)
Home ever sprayed with DDT Water not piped into home Water piped into home 245 103.0 (785.1, 82.6) 345.7 (1910.6, 200.4)
Wet mopping home <7timesperweekc Wet mopping home 7timesperweekc 245 90.3 (570.5, 6.5) 306.8 (1980.8, 281.4)
Washing bed sheets <2timespermonthc Washing bed sheets 2timespermonthc 245 41.7 (173.6, 322.9) 60.6 (499.8, 938.5)
Eating a high fat dietd Not eating a high fat dietd 254 4.0 (562.6, 238.5) 44.0 (1034.7, 784.0)
Consuming local animal products during pregnancye Not consuming local animal products during pregnancye 254 40.8 (920.9, 106.2) 103.4 (2093.2, 219.5)
Home never sprayed with DDT Water not piped into home Water piped into home 461 7.3 (58.4, 33.2) 9.1 (215.7, 180.1)
Wet mopping home <7timesperweekc Wet mopping home 7timesperweekc 460 7.1 (48.7, 12.4) 29.7 (186.3, 36.8)
Washing bed sheets <2timespermonthc Washing bed sheets 2timespermonthc 458 4.3 (14.6, 37.5) 2.5 (117.5, 92)
Eating a high fat dietd Not eating a high fat dietd 478 0.4 (23.7, 42.8) 25.6 (0.3, 208.9)
Consuming local animal products during pregnancye Not consuming local animal products during pregnancye 478 4.5 (59.6, 41.2) 15.4 (285.8, 189.2)

Ψ= parameter estimate for the marginal geometric mean difference in serum concentrations from TMLE; 95% CI=95% confidence interval estimated from 1,000 bootstrapped estimates of the observed data using the percentile method (Efron 1979).


Participants excluded if answering “Don’t know” to question, refusing to answer question, or lost to follow up.


Cleaning intervention levels are the median frequencies reported by mothers.


High fat diet defined as 75th %ile of fat intake for all mothers.


Animal products include meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, and fish.