Table 6. Financial costs of treatment strategy.
Cost by Activity | CWT | SBT |
Training | $236.79 | $133.23 |
Advocacy | $290.00 | $290.00 |
Supervision/Monitoring | $102.31 | $3.60 |
Drug Distribution & Coverage | $691.19 | $302.30 |
TOTAL | $1,320.30 | $729.13 |
Cost by Input | CWT | SBT |
Per diem Ξ | $818.00 | $365.00 |
Vehicle Maintenance | $268.00 | $268.00 |
Fuel | $132.47 | $57.75 |
Materials* | $101.83 | $38.38 |
TOTAL | $1,320.30 | $729.13 |
Total cost per person treated | CWT | SBT |
Total Cost | $1,320.30 | $729.13 |
Cost/Village | $264.06 | $159.23 |
Average number treated in Year 4 | 3661 | 874 |
Cost/Person treated | $0.36 | $0.31 |
Ξ Per diems include national (coordinators and technical staff), district and regional health and educational staff, and community level staff including community drug distributors, teachers, community health workers etc.
*Materials include Phone cards, information/education/communication posters, treatment registers, dose poles etc.