Figure 4.
Response of Biopsy Culture MGH832-1 (EGFR Mutant, MET Amplified) to Afatinib and/or Crizotinib
(A–C) The early-biopsy culture of MGH832-1 was plated on a monolayer of ∼500 irradiated feeder fibroblasts in TCM, -E, -I media in 384-well plates and treated with the indicated doses of the EGFR inhibitor afatinib (C) and/or the MET inhibitor crizotinib (A and B) for 6 days. Plates were fixed and stained with Hoechst 33342 and the anti-CK8/18 antibody to determine the change in CK8/18-positive cells (A and C) and CK8/18-negative cells (B). Circles indicate cell number at day of treatment initiation (day 0). Nonlinear regression curves fit to the data points are shown, and data are represented as mean ± SD with n = 4 replicate wells.