Gef26 and Rap1 inhibit BMP signaling to restrain synaptic growth. a-d
gef26/rap1 interacts with BMP signaling pathway components. a and b Transheterozygous interactions between gef26 or rap1 and dad. a Confocal images of anti-HRP-labeled NMJ 6/7 in gef26
6/+, dad
J1E4/+, and gef26
6/+; dad
J1E4/+ third-instar larvae. Scale bar, 20 μm. b Quantification of total bouton number and satellite bouton number at NMJ 6/7 in the following genotypes: wild-type, gef26
6/+, rap1
M/+, dad
J1E4/+, gef26
6/+; dad
J1E4/+, and rap1
M, +/+,dadJ1E4. c and d Synaptic overgrowth in gef26 and rap1 depends on BMP signaling. c Confocal images of anti-HRP-labeled NMJ 6/7 in gef26
6/Df, tkv
6/+,Df, rap1
M, and tkv
7/+; rap1
M third-instar larvae. Scale bar, 20 μm. d Quantification of total bouton number and satellite bouton number at NMJ 6/7 in the following genotypes: wild-type, gef26
6/Df, tkv
7/+, tkv
6/+,Df, tkv
7, tkv
1,Df, rap1
M, and tkv
7/+; rap1
M. Note that synaptic overgrowth in gef26 and rap1 mutants is significantly suppressed by loss of one copy of tkv. e and f Levels of pMad are increased in gef26 and rap1 mutants. e Confocal images of NMJ 6/7 and ventral nerve cord (VNC) labeled with anti-P-Mad and anti-HRP or anti-Elav in wild-type and gef26
6/Df third-instar larvae. Scale bars, 5 μm. f Quantification of the ratio of the average levels of P-Mad to HRP or Elav. Genotypes include wild-type, gef26
6/Df, rap1
M, and C155-GAL4/+; gef26
6/Df; UAS-gef26/+ (Gef26 rescue-pre). The number of NMJs or VNCs analyzed is indicated in each bar. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. All comparisons are made with wild-type unless otherwise indicated (*P < 0.001; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.05; n.s., not significant)