Fig. 1.
Coordination among HEV protein sites modeled with BNs. The BN models show genome-wide epistatic connectivity among aa sites (a structural coefficient threshold = 2.0) and association to host variable (a structural coefficient threshold = 0.95). Nodes represent polymorphic aa sites and arcs between them represent dependency. Nodes are color-coded according to the ORF and ORF1-domains and numbered according to the aa positions in the respective ORFs. Orf1(x) encompasses UNK and denotes aa sites that fall outside known ORF1 domains (n = 16 in BNHEV3 and n = 18 in BNHEV4). (A) A learned BN of HEV3 sequences (n = 65) and (B) A learned BN of HEV4 sequences (n = 55).