Figure 2.
Forest plots of odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals of a Z-score ≤ –1 on each DAS-II, OWLS, WIAT-III, and NEPSY-II neurocognitive assessment at age 10 associated with ADHD (defined as meeting criteria by 2 of the following: CSI-4 report by parent, CSI-4 report by teacher, or clinical diagnosis). Odds ratios in the left panel are unadjusted, while those in the right panel are adjusted for mother’s identification as black, mother’s age < 21 years, mother eligibility for public insurance, male sex, gestational age 23–24 weeks and birth weight Z-score < –2. The top set of panels is for all children, while the middle set is for children with an IQ > 70, and the bottom set is for children with an IQ > 85. Large dark circles indicate ORs significantly different from 1.0 (p < 0.05) while smaller gray circles indicate non-significant ORs. The ends of the horizontal lines indicate the bounds of the 95% confidence interval.