Antibodies |
p-ERK |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat# 9101 |
p-AKT (S473) |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat# 9271 |
PD-L1 (anti-human) |
eBioscience |
Cat# 12-5983-42 |
Isotype control |
eBioscience |
Cat# 9012-4714-025 |
PD-L1 (anti-mouse) |
eBioscience |
Cat# 14-5982-82 |
Isotype control |
eBioscience |
Cat# 12-4321-41 |
CD31 |
eBioscience |
Cat# 11-0311-81 |
Santa Cruz |
Cat# sc-8458 |
TTP endogenous |
Merck Millipore |
Cat# ABE285 |
Cambridge Bioscience |
Cat# A302-021A |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat# 5398S |
Myc (9E10) |
Francis Crick Institute Cell Services |
N/A |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat# 9107 |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat# 2920 |
p-PXSP |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat# 2325 |
p-RXXS/T |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat# 9611 |
p-p38 (T180/Y182) |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat# 9211 |
CD3 |
Abcam |
Cat# ab134096 |
IFN-γ XMG1.2 |
eBioscience |
Cat# 12-7311-41 |
Foxp3 FJK16s |
eBioscience |
Cat# 72-5775-40 |
CD45 30-F11 |
BioLegend |
Cat# 103129 |
CD4 GK1.5 |
Francis Crick Institute Cell Services |
N/A |
CD4 GK1.5 |
eBioscience |
Cat# 25-0041-81 |
CD4 RM4-5 |
eBioscience |
Cat# 11-0042-81 |
CD8 53-6.7 |
BD Biosciences |
Cat# 563786 |
CD8 2.43 |
Francis Crick Institute Cell Services |
N/A |
CD3 17A2 |
BioLegend |
Cat# 100204 |
CD45 |
eBioscience |
Cat# 11-0451-82 |
IFN-γ NIB42 |
eBioscience |
Cat# 14-7318-81 |
Bacterial and Virus Strains |
Adenovirus for expression of Cre recombinase |
Gene Transfer Vector Core. University of Iowa. |
N/A |
XL10-Gold Ultracompetent Cells |
Agilent Technologies |
Cat# 200314 |
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins |
Lipofectamine 2000 |
ThermoFisher |
Cat# 11668027 |
DharmaFECT 1 |
Dharmacon |
Cat# T-2001-01 |
Trametinib |
Selleckchem |
Cat# S2673 |
ARS853 |
A gift from the Shokat Laboratory |
N/A |
GDC-0941 |
Selleckchem |
Cat# S1065 |
4-OHT |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat# H7904 |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat# P1585 |
Actinomycin D |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat# A1410 |
N-Acetyl-L-cysteine |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat# A9165 |
Glutathione reduced ethyl ester |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat# G1404 |
PF-3644022 hydrate |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat# PZ0188 |
MK2 inhibitor III |
Merck Millipore |
Cat# 475864 |
Doxycycline hyclate |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat# D9891 |
Ionomycin |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat# I0634 |
GolgiPlug |
BD Bioscience |
Cat# BDB555029 |
Human Interferon gamma |
Biolegend |
Cat# 570206 |
Ruxolitinib |
Selleckchem |
Cat# S1378 |
ThermoFisher |
Cat# D1306 |
Fixable viability dye eFluor 780 |
eBioscience |
Cat# 65-0865-14 |
ThermoFisher |
Cat# C6827 |
Critical Commercial Assays |
Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay |
Promega |
Cat# E1910 |
Magna-RIP Kit |
Merck Millipore |
Cat# 17-700 |
Anti-Mouse/Rat Foxp3 Staining Set PE |
eBioscience |
Cat# 72-5775-40 |
QuikChange II XL Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit |
Agilent Technologies |
Cat# 200521 |
RNeasy Mini Kit |
Cat# 74104 |
Dynabeads Protein G for Immunoprecipitation |
ThermoFisher |
Cat# 10003D |
SYBR Green Fast Master Mix |
ThermoFisher |
Cat# A25742 |
Experimental Models: Cell Lines |
H358 |
N/A |
A427 |
Francis Crick Institute Cell Services |
N/A |
H1792 |
N/A |
KPB6 |
Sergio Quezada Laboratory |
N/A |
Type II pneumocytes |
Olivier Pardo, Michael Seckl (Imperial College, London) and (Molina-Arcas et al., 2013) |
N/A |
SW837 |
Francis Crick Institute Cell Services |
N/A |
H23 |
Francis Crick Institute Cell Services |
N/A |
293FT |
Francis Crick Institute Cell Services |
N/A |
Perry Blackshear Laboratory |
N/A |
MCF10A |
Molina-Arcas et al., 2013 |
N/A |
CT26 |
Francis Crick Institute Cell Services |
N/A |
A549 |
Francis Crick Institute Cell Services |
N/A |
MC38 |
George Kassiotis Laboratory |
N/A |
Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains |
C57BL/6 |
The Francis Crick Institute Biological Resources Unit; Originally The Jackson Laboratory |
Stock Number #000664 |
BALB/c |
The Francis Crick Institute Biological Resources Unit; Originally The Jackson Laboratory |
Stock Number #001026 |
KrasLSL-G12D/+/Trp53Flox/Flox (B6.129-Krastm4Tyj/Nci and FVB.129P2-Trp53tm1Brn/Nci) |
The Francis Crick Institute Biological Resources Unit; Originally Mouse Models of Human Cancer Consortium |
Strain Number# 01XJ6; 01XC2 |
Nu/nu (Foxn1nu) |
The Francis Crick Institute Biological Resources Unit; Originally ICRF Stock |
N/A |
Oligonucleotides |
Dharmacon |
Cat# MU-010789-02-0002 |
siGENOME x4 AUF1 |
Dharmacon |
Cat# MU-004079-01-0002 |
Dharmacon |
Cat# MU-009490-01-0002 |
siGENOME x4 HuR |
Dharmacon |
Cat# MU-003773-04-0002 |
siGENOME x4 BRF1 |
Dharmacon |
Cat# MU-011816-00-0002 |
siGENOME x4 BRF2 |
Dharmacon |
Cat# MU-013605-02-0002 |
siScramble Control |
Dharmacon |
Cat# D-001810-10-05 |
Recombinant DNA |
A gift from Douglas Black |
Addgene plasmid # 23001 |
PD-L1 + wild type 3′UTR mouse ORF clone NM_021893.3
Creative Biogene |
N/A |
pUNO-mcs |
InvivoGen |
Cat# puno1-mcs |
Dharmacon |
Cat# RHS4740 |
pcDNA3.1 |
ThermoFisher |
Cat# V79020 |
pGL3 Control |
Promega |
Cat# E1741 |
pGL3 Basic |
Promega |
Cat# E1751 |
pRL-TK Control |
Promega |
Cat# E2241 |
Software and Algorithms |
FlowJo |
Tree Star |
N/A |
Prism 7 |
GraphPad |
N/A |
Skyline v. |
McCoss Lab Software |
N/A |