Properties characteristic of GluN2B-containing NMDARs. (a) Autocrine-activated NMDAR openings are inhibited by a GluN2B-specific blocker. (i), (ii): examples in two different cells of the effect of applying 50 µM Ro-25-6981 (right) versus control (left). On average, open probability was reduced to 14% of control in four cells. (b,c) High probability opening of NMDARs during autocrine activation. (b) 500 ms epoch of autocrine-activated channel openings, at a holding potential of −90 mV, illustrating multiple channel open levels. (c) Amplitude histograms (inset) were fitted by a binomial model for a population of N independent and identical channels each open with a constant probability po. In this example, optimal fit is obtained for N = 11, po = 0.118.