Table 5. Mean number of minutes, days of practice, and taking medication over the study period.
Treatment assignment | Mean total number of days listened to CD* (SD) | Mean total number of minutes listened to CD (SD) | Mean total number of days took study med** (SD) |
Venlafaxine & Hypnosis | 35 (11) | 1069 (110) | 46 (6) |
Venlafaxine & Sham Hypnosis | 37 (11) | 763 (468) | 48 (2) |
Placebo & Hypnosis | 29 (11) | 805 (455) | 47 (3) |
Placebo & Sham Hypnosis | 39 (8) | 898(170) | 48 (1) |
target dose was at least four times per week × 7 weeks = 28 days
target was daily medication use, 7 days × 7 weeks = 49 days