Figure 6. Loss of LCB3 Remodels Membrane Protein Composition and Promotes RNA biosynthesis.
(A) Gene expression analysis of disomes harboring lcb3Δ grown in batch culture, ordered by chromosome position. Experiments (columns) are ordered by the number of the chromosomes present in two copies. Data were normalized to account for the extra chromosome present in disomic strains. Upregulated genes are show in yellow and downregulated ones in blue.
(B) Gene expression of disomes, disome harboring ubp6Δ, and disomes harboring lcb3Δ. Columns represent experiments. Rows are genes organized by pattern of expression of disomes-lcb3Δ compared to the control strains (13 disomes and 13 disomes-ubp6Δ). Top two clusters are up- and downregulated in all 36 strains. Clusters 1 and 2 are downregulated by lcb3Δ. Clusters 3 and 4 are upregulated by lcb3Δ. See Table S4 for GO enrichment analysis details.