Figure 5.
Phenomenological fits of the voltage dependence of O‐M gating (A) Voltage dependencies of k OM (filled and open circles for 0.1 and 1.5 m KCl, respectively). The lines show the fit with the parameters of Eqn (3): V OM = 36 mV, q OM = 0.042 and 1.013 ms−1, b OM = 0.340 and 0.123 ms−1 for 0.1 m KCl (solid line) and 1.5 m KCl (dashed line), respectively. k MO (filled and open triangles for 0.1 and 1.5 m KCl, respectively) was fitted with Eqn (4) (dotted line) with V MO = 99 mV, k MO,0 = 38 ms−1 for both concentrations. (B) Gating factor gf [Eqn (5)] obtained in symmetrical KCl solutions at 0.1 m (filled circles) or 1.5 m (open circles). The shared parameters of fits of gf are gf min = 0.1, gf max = 0.96, V gf = 24.3 mV. V 1/2 = −116 mV and −144 mV for 0.1 m (solid line) and 1.5 m KCl (dashed line), respectively.