Figure 2. Organ maturation and functional cell remodelling from 36 to 52 hpf.
(a–c) Normalized calcium transients of all cells are shown at three different time-points: (a) 36, (b) 44, and (c) 52 hpf. The shortening of black arrows indicates the decrease in time between earliest and latest activation of cells along the whole heart. The gradual formation of atrial (1) and ventricular (2) populations with increasingly different calcium transients is highlighted by the dashed lines at 52 hpf. The color of each transient indicates its activation time (all three plots use the same color scale). (d–f) Changes in cardiac and cellular morphology at each developmental time point. Estimated cell shapes are visualized as scaled ellipsoids. The color of each ellipsoid indicates activation time (relative to the first-activated cell); color code as in (a–c). Two main populations of cells corresponding to highlighted clusters in (c) are indicated by numbers. (g–i) 3D pattern of biological conduction speeds across the heart. The formation of outer curvature clusters of cells over time is highlighted by arrows. (j–l) Development of conduction speeds across the myocardium, shown as 2D projections for the three time points. The color code indicates conduction speed. Isovelocity lines are shown in black (Δv = 50 cells/s). Corresponding outer curve cell populations are highlighted by arrows.