Making two-photon emission dominant. (A) Purcell spectra for a z-polarized dipole above 10-nm-thick cBN at atom-surface separations of 5, 10, and 25 nm. (B–D) Two-photon Purcell spectra for an s s transition as a function of photon frequency for the same set of atom-surface separations. Blue denotes the Purcell spectra with losses accounted for, and orange denotes the Purcell spectra for cBN with 100× weaker losses. In B–D, we note both the overall two-photon transition rate between the 5s and 4s states of hydrogen and the corresponding radiative ratio (). The permittivity of the substrate is taken to be 2, and the damping constant for cBN is taken to be 5 cm−1 (∼1012 s−1).