(A) LincRNA-Cox2 is induced by TLR ligands and associates with hnRNPA/B and hnRNPA2/B1 to suppress transcription of target genes, such as Ccl5, and promotes the expression of genes such as Il6 through a yet unknown mechanism.
(B) Resting macrophages express high levels lincRNA-EPS, which interacts with hnRNPL to suppress target genes. Upon stimulation, expression of lincRNA-EPS is reduced, and repression of these targets is released.
(C) In short-lived myeloid cells, pro-survival cytokines induce expression of Morrbid, which acts as a guide to target the repressive PRC2 complex to the Bcl2l11 locus (which encodes the pro-apoptotic molecule Bim), to promote the survival of these cells.