Figure 3.
Time to onset of hypothyroidism after first treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors in the combination therapy and monotherapy groups. A, Incidence of onset of hypothyroidism in 21-day intervals, calculated by the number of new cases of hypothyroidism that occurred in that 21-day interval divided by the total number of hypothyroidism cases, expressed as a percentage. Combination therapy: n = 21; Monotherapy: n = 17. B, Median onset time (median with range) of hypothyroidism after first treatment. Patients with hypothyroidism were divided into three groups: all patients with hypothyroidism (combo n = 21; mono n = 17); patients with hypothyroidism only (combo n = 2; mono n = 8); and patients who had thyrotoxicosis followed by hypothyroidism (combo n = 19; mono n = 9). Gray dots: time to onset of hypothyroidism in each patient. Combo, combination therapy; mono, monotherapy; thyrotox: thyrotoxicosis; hypo, hypothyroidism. Significant differences were determined using the Fisher test (A) and exact Wilcoxon rank-sum test (B).