Symbiotic properties of V. radiata (L.) cv. KPS1 inoculated with B. elkanii USDA61, Tn5 mutants and type III secretion system-deficient mutant BErhcJ. (A) Nodule number, (B) nodule weight and (C) plant weight measured at 40 days post inoculation. Open bars and closed bars in (A) show the numbers of small nodules (<2 mm) and large nodules (≥2 mm), respectively. Nodulation tests were performed at least five times, the values are means of seven mung bean plants, and the error bars indicate standard deviations. Statistical analysis (Fisher’s method) was performed comparing the total nodule numbers induced by USDA61, BErhcJ and Tn5 mutants. Means followed by the same letters are not significantly different at 5% level of significance by Fisher’s test. N.D.: Not determined.