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. 2018 Jan 2;13(1):e0189811. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189811

Table 2. The sites included in the quantitative analyses of this study with information on the number of samples, mesh size used during water flotation and the interpretation of the wild grass finds by the respective authors.

Periods follow the Levantine sequence and have no strict cultural implications.

Site (phase or area) C-14 dates (ka cal. BP; Samples or Mesh size Author(s) interpretation(s) Contextual evidence References for botanical
based on individual site loci (n) (mm) of wild grasses* for wild grass* use/origin data and interpretations
reports and [133,134])
    Ohalo II 23 unknown unknown** Staple food/arable weeds in situ working area [38,49,73,74]
    Pinarbaşi (Epipalaeolithic) 16.2–12.9 25 0.1 Fuel, construction materials [75]
    Wadi al-Hammeh 27 14–13.7 14Ub 0.3 Potential food [40]
    Wadi el-Jilat 6 13.7 10Ub 0.3 Potential food [40]
    Abu Hureyra (1) 13.2–12.8 unknown 1 Potential food/arable weeds [121]
    Körtik Tepe (Younger 12.4–11.7 116Ub 0.2 Staple food [60]
    Tell Qaramel (H2) 12.3–11.3 108 (H1-3) 0.5 Harvested accidentally with Stipa sp. grains concentrated [76]
wild cereals in one sample
    Mureybet (I-II) 12.2–11.3 33Ub unknown Potential food [24]
    Qermez Dere 12.1–10.8 47Ub 0.35 Staple food [51,130]
    Sheikh-e Abad (Trench 1) 11.8–11.2 5 0.25 Potential food and dung Separated in CA from crop/ [18]
burning (esp. Poa type 1) weed group
    Hallan Çemi 11.7–11.3 175Ub 0.35 Potential food [51,130]
    M'lefaat 11.7–10.8 4 0.35 Staple food [51,130]
    Körtik Tepe (Early 11.6–11.3 231Ub 0.2 Staple food [60]
    Chogha Golan (XI-VIII) 11.7–10.6 13 0.2 Undetermined [16]
    Iraq ed-Dubb (structures) 11.5–11.3 7 0.3 Potential food/arable weeds [40]
    Jerf el Ahmar 11.5–10.6 266Ub 0.5 Potential food/arable weeds Context with concentration of [32]
Aegilops sp. spikelet bases
    Demirköy 11.4–11.3 12Ub 0.35 Potential food [51,130]
    Mureybet (III) 11.4–10.5 28Ub unknown Potential food [24]
    Netiv Hagdud 11.3–10.9 58 0.5 Potential food [28]
    Tell Qaramel (H3) 11.3–10.9 108 (H1-3) 0.5 Harvested accidentally with [76]
wild cereals
    Tell 'Abr 11.3–10.9 30Ub 0.5 Arable weeds [32]
    el-Hemmeh 11.2–10.6 15 lociUb 0.25 Potential food/arable weeds [35,80]
    ZAD 2 (Structure 1) 11.1–10.8 18 lociUb 0.5 Subsistence sensu lato [33,72]
    Pinarbaşi (early) 11–10.6 13Ub 0.1 Potential food or fuel [57]
    Wadi Faynan 16 11.4–10.3 44 0.25 Potential food [131]
    Tell Aswad (I) 11.3–10.4 9 unknown Arable weeds [23]
    Dja'de 11.1–10.3 227Ub 0.5 Potential food/arable weeds [32]
early PPNB
    ZAD 2 (Structure 2) 10.7–10.5 8 loci 0.5 Subsistence sensu lato [72]
    Tell Qarassa (Area XYZ) 10.7–10.2 58Ub 0.25 Arable weeds/undetermined [81]
    Çayönü (grill-channel) 10.6–10.2 96Ub unknown Arable weeds/undetermined [79]
early/middle PPNB
    Tell Aswad (II) 10.6–9.5 21Ub unknown Arable weeds [23]
    Pinarbaşi (late) 10.6–9.7 27Ub 0.1 Potential food or fuel [57]
    Nevali Çori 10.5–9.6 267 0.35 Arable weeds/undetermined [94]
    Cafer Höyük 10.3–9.5 62Ub 0.3 Undetermined [42]
    Aşikli Höyük 10.3–9.4 144Ub unknown Undetermined [82]
middle PPNB
    Chogha Golan (VII-II) 10.2–9.8 98Ub 0.2 Staple food This paper and [44]
    Ganj Dareh 10–9.5 122Ub unknown** Potential food/undetermined [39]
    Sheikh-e Abad (Trench 2) 10 9 0.25 Potential food and dung Separated in CA from crop/ [18]
burning (esp. Poa type 1) weed group
    el-Hemmeh 9.8–9.6 31 lociUb 0.25 Arable weeds/animal fodder [80]
    Sheikh-e Abad (Trench 3) 9.6 27Ub 0.25 Potential food and dung Poa type 1 constitutes over [18]
burning (esp. Poa type 1) 90% to the samples
middle/late PPNB
    Çayönü (cobble-cell) 10.3–9.4 105Ub unknown Arable weeds/unspecified [79]
    Abu Hurerya (2A) 9.8–9.4 41Ub 1 Potential food/arable weeds [42]
    Tell Halula 9.8–9 96 0.2 Potential food (Aegilops)/ [108]
arable weeds
    Wadi el-Jilat 7 (Middle) 9.7–9.4 21Ub 0.3 Potential food/arable weeds [40]
    Tell Ghoraifé (I) 9.9–9.4 18Ub unknown Arable weeds [23]
late PPNB
    Ali Kosh (BM-AK) 9.5–9 unknown unknown Arable weeds/wild resources [21]
    Sabi Abyad II 9.5–8.8 10 unknown Arable weeds [89]
    Ras Shamra (Vc) 9.5–9.1 25Ub unknown Arable weeds [95]
    Gritille 9.5–8.7 52Ub 1 Undetermined [132]
    Can Hasan III 9.5–8.5 4 1 Arable weeds/undetermined [83,129]
    Abu Hurerya (2B) 9.4–9.1 43Ub 1 Potential food/arable weeds [42]
    Tell Bouqras (Sq. 16/13) 9.4–8.2 97Ub unknown Undetermined [96]
    Tell Ramad (I) 9.3–9 13Ub unknown Arable weeds [23]
    Tell Ghoraifé (II) 9.1 17Ub unknown Arable weeds [23]
    Çatalhöyük East (VI-PXII) 9.1–8.5 61Ub 0.3 Potential food/arable weeds/ Storage finds of Taeniatherum [41,53,87,88]
dung burning, basketry caput-medusae grains
    El Kowm (II) 9–8.5 31Ub 0.3 Arable weeds/dung burning [42]

Ub ubiquity was given in/calculated based on publication

* regardless of the wild cereals, which might be interpreted differently

** no information available, but small-seeded grasses were recovered in considerable abundance

CA = correspondence analysis