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. 2017 Winter;16(4):ar61. doi: 10.1187/cbe.17-02-0038


Career transitions (PhD graduates between 2003 and 2016)a

Count In first position In later position Percent Count In first position In later position Percent
2003–2008 21 4 17 81 20 1 19 95
2009–2012 25 8 17 68 20 9 11 55
2013–2014 15 10 5 33 7 6 1 14
2015–2016 15 15 0 0 12 12 0 0
Total 76 37 39 59 28 31

aAlumni who are classified as being in their first position (as of February 2017) may have received promotions or may have changed responsibilities within their organization. There were no significant differences between the two programs.