Chapter: core concept | Statements in conceptual framework | Terms defined in conceptual framework |
5: Homeostasis | 30 | 16 (control center, controller, effector, error detector, error signal, external environment, integrator, internal environment, homeostasis, negative feedback, nonregulated variable, perturbation, regulated variable, response, sensor, set point) |
6: Flow down gradients | 20 | 10 (bulk flow, concentration, diffusion, electrical potential, energy, flow, gradient, hydrostatic pressure, osmosis, resistance) |
7: Cell–cell communication | 51 | 13 (amplification, biological response, cell function, enzyme, messenger, receptor, second messenger, signal transduction, target, termination, transcription, translation, transport) |
aCompiled from Tables 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, and 7.2 of Michael et al. (2017).