Table 3. Number of associations reported in published GWAS of other polygenic diseases, which were based on a similar or smaller sample size than the largest asthma GWAS published.
Disease | N cases | N controls | N Total | N of independent associations in discovery GWAS (P<5x10−8) | PMID | Disease prevalence | NCP for a SNP with h2=0.05% |
Atopic dermatitis | 18900 | 84166 | 103066 | 21 | 26482879 | 20% | 24 |
Asthma | 28399 | 128843 | 157242 | 27 | 27182965 | 15% | 40 |
Type 2 diabetes | 26676 | 132532 | 159208 | 42 | 28566273 | 5% | 52 |
Schizophrenia | 36989 | 113075 | 150064 | 128 | 25056061 | 1% | 102 |
Rheumatoid arthritis | 29880 | 73758 | 103638 | 101 | 24390342 | 1% | 77 |
Abbreviations: PMID, PubMed identifier; NCP: non-centrality parameter (which reflects power); h2: heritability.
All studies are based on the analysis of 1000 Genome Project SNPs imputed from GWAS arrays (not including fine-mapping arrays).