Fractionation by semi-preparative TLC, MALDI-MS analyses and immuno-sequencing of the components in ligand-positive fraction M15–19HP13.
A, High resolution semi-preparative TLC of M15–19HP13; Chromatography was upward; the solvent system was CHCl3/MeOH/Water 60:35:8 (by volume). B, Molecular ions and deduced monosaccharide compositions of the isolated Bands 1–4, panel (A); relative intensities of molecular ions are 80–100 red, 10–70 green, less than 10 black. C and D, Microarray analyses of the rotavirus P[10] and P[19] VP8* proteins at 50 μg/ml. E to G, Microarray analyses of antibodies used as immuno-sequencing reagents: anti-H type 1, anti-H type 2 and anti-LNT. H, This secondary array (designated “Fucase Array”) included Bands 1–4 and the twelve reference compounds listed in panel H; their structures are given in supplemental Table S6. The analyses were performed before and after on-array treatment of the probes with α1–2 fucosidase. The results in C to G, are the means of fluorescence intensities of duplicate spots printed at 5 fmol/spot, with error bars representing half of the difference between the two values.