Figure 2.
Heat-map and graphical representations of the selectivity of specific split-luc nanobody fusion peptide (SLN) bit pairs. (A–C): Heat-map representations of luminescence observed with 8 × 8 matrices of SLN bits as tested on eGFP–sGFP homodimer (A), mCherry–sGFP heterodimer (B), and mCherry–mCherry homodimer (C). The heat-map represents higher luminescence signals in red with weaker luminescence transiting towards the blue. As expected, SLNs self-binding give the least signal of all the targets; (D–F): Graphical representation of luminescence signals for individual targets plotted against the serial dilution of SLNs. The assay was run using the best SLN pairs as observed from the 8 × 8 matrix. The SLN pairs used for the target proteins were: GL–GS (D), LC–GS (E), and CL–CS (F). Each of the pairs were tested on all the targets and their signals are plotted in individual graphs as eGFP–sGFP (green), mCherry–sGFP (orange), and mCherry–mCherry (red). The average ± SEM for at least three experiments is plotted. LG: Large bit–anti-GFP, GL: anti-GFP–Large bit, LC: Large bit–anti-Cherry, CL: anti-Cherry–Large bit, SG: small bit–anti-GFP, GS: anti-GFP–Small bit, SC: Small bit–anti-Cherry, CS: anti-Cherry–Small bit.