Figure 5. Anti- P. aeruginosa humoral immune responses and enhanced P. aeruginosa clearance from lungs after the immunization with AdC7OprF.RGD in rats with established P. aeruginosa respiratory infection.
Rats (Sprague Dawley) were immunized intranasally with either 5×1010 particle units of AdC7OprF.RGD or AdC7Null 1 day after the administration of P. aeruginosa embedded in agar beads. Two weeks after the immunization, anti-OprF IgG antibody titers were determined in serum and P. aeruginosa bacterial loads were determined in lung homogenates. A. Serum anti-OprF IgG. B. P. aeruginosa bacterial loads in lung homogenates. Data are presented as mean ± SEM of n=5 mice per group. * and ** denote significance of p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 respectively.