Fig. 4.
3D Fermi surface in p-SnSe induced by point dislocations. a, b Angle-dependent SdH oscillations of SF3-SnSe at 1.5 K for I||c and I||b, respectively. The insets explain the measurement configuration, in which transverse B is rotated from the a-axis to the corresponding in-plane direction. c Polar contour plot of the θ-dependent SdH oscillations in SF1-SnSe for I||bc. The corresponding 3D FS is a elongated ellipsoid in the b–c plane. d Typical ambient AFM image of a point dislocation in SnSe crystals, showing the interconnection between the top ML and the third ML. The inset illustrates the reversing of stacking sequence between the top and second ML when crossing the point defect along the white dashed line. The scale bar is 200 nm. e LK-model fit of the T-dependent SdH amplitudes for SF3-SnSe, yielding similar effective mass of around 0.2m e for both I directions. The out-of-plane m * measured by in-plane transverse B is only slightly higher than these in-plane values