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. 2018 Jan 3;5(1):ENEURO.0431-17.2017. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0431-17.2017

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Locomotor activity rhythms were improved by the TRF regimen. A, Examples of cage activity rhythms recorded from Q175 mutants under control (left) and TRF (right) conditions. The activity levels in the actograms were normalized to the same scale (85% of the maximum of the most active individual). Each row represents two consecutive days, and the second day is repeated at the beginning of the next row. The orange bar on the top of actograms indicates the time when food hopper is opened. B, The strength of the activity rhythm is indicated by the power (%V) of the χ2 periodogram analysis. C, The averaged level of cage activity. D, The averaged variation in onset from the best-fit regression line. E, Average waveforms from 10 d of cage activity (1-h window) are shown and SEs across animals are indicated. F, The number of activity bouts (separated by a gap of 21 mins or more) during rest phase (ZT 0-12), active phase (ZT 12-24), and 24 h are reported as the level of fragmentation of the circadian activity cycle. Black bars represent Q175 mutants under ad lib condition, and orange bars represent Q175 mutants under timed feeding condition. G, The average length of activity bouts during their active phase. The white/black bar on the top of actograms (A) and waveforms (E) indicates the 12/12 h LD cycle. The temporal activity wave form was analyzed using a two-way RM ANOVA with time and treatment as factors. Other comparisons between Q175 cohorts were made using a t test. Asterisks represent significant differences due to TRF regimen compared to ad lib controls (p < 0.05); n = 8/group.