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. 2017 Dec 1;7(12):2350–2394.

Table 1.

Clinical trials of 9-aminocamptothecin (9-AC) and 9-nitrocamptothecin (9-NC, rubitecan)

Key Route & dose Formulation Cancer type and key clinical trial outcome Refs
1995 9-AC Phase I 72 h iv 3 wk/c*; MTD: 45 µg/m2/h Dissolve in DMA, PEG400, phosphoric acid (see No 2) 31 pts w resistant solid tumors; DLT: NP, TCP; minimal responses were seen in pts w gastric, colon, and NSCLC; try alternative schedules. No 1 [123]
1996 9-AC Phase I 72 h iv at 0.1 mg/ml; 2 wk/c*; 2% DMA, 98% PEG400 w 10 mM phosphoric acid diluted w saline 48 pts w progressive solid tumor, DLT: NP; PR: 1 pt (finally progressed); 1 pt w 49% shrinkage in pulmonary nodules; 1 NSCLC pt w a 29% decrease in his lung metastases. MTD: 35 µg/m2/h or 47 µg/m2/h w G-CSF No 2 [124]
1996 9-NC Phase I po: CPT at 0.3 mg/m2/d x 21 4 wk/c,; 9-NC at 1 mg/m2/d, 5/wk* Drug powder is encapsulated in gelatin capsules (see No 7 and No 34) 52 (CPT) and 29 (9-NC) pts w refractory solid & liquid cancer; DLT: CPT, diarrhea; 9-NC, NP, anemia and TCP; favorable responses (11% CPT, 24% 9-NC). No 3 [125]
1997 9-AC Phase I 72 h iv 2 wk/c*; 5-74 µg/m2/h Same as No 5 (also see No 2) 48 pts w malignant solid tumor; total 9-AC circulating in plasma as the active lactone was less than 10%, no antitumor activity reported. No 4 [126]
1997 9-AC Phase II 72 h iv at 35 µg/m2/h in 2 wk, 4 wk/c* 0.1 mg/ml in 2% DMA, 49% PEG400 w 5 mM phosphoric acid (see No 2) 17 naïve pts w metastatic colorectal carcinoma; No CR or PR; toxicity: neutropenia, nausea, vomiting, stomatitis, fatigue, and anemia but tolerated; lack of antitumor activity No 5 [127]
1997 9-AC Phase II 72 h iv at 59 then 50 µg/m2/h w G-CSF in 2 wks* Same as No 5 (also see No 2) 16 pts w metastatic colorectal cancer; no OR; SD: 8 pts; DLT: myelosuppression; conclusion: no promising for this regimen No 6 [128]
1998 9-AC Phase I po, 1.5 on d1 & iv, 1 mg/m2 on d8 or vice versa Gelatin capsule containing 9-AC-PEG1000 molten mix 12 pts w solid tumors; active lactone accounting for < 10% of total drug at the terminal disposition phase; the study is not activity focused No 7 [129]
1998 9-AC Phase I 72 h iv at ≥ 37.5 µg/m2/h, 3 wk/c*; Lyophilized CD in DMPC, DMPG & mannitol in 20% dextrose/saline 25 pts w primary solid tumors; DLT: NP; OR: 0 pt; SD: 9 pts for 2-6 months; Phase II: 54.2 µg/m2/h, 72 h iv infusion every 3 weeks. No 8 [130]
1998 9-AC Phase I 72 h iv at 36 to 62 µg/m2/h, 3 wk/c* DMA-PEG400-phosphoric acid (see No 2). 23 pts w resistant solid tumors; DLT: NP, TCP; PR: 2 pts; SD: 5 pts; Phase II: 52 µg/m2/h, 72 h iv infusion every 3 weeks (21 days). No 9 [131]
1998 9-AC Phase I po, d1-5 at 0.2-0.68 mg/m2/d in 2 wk*; CD formulation (see No 8) 16 cancer pts; DLT: nausea; OR: 0 pt; conclusion: the CD formulation for iv is not good for po No 10 [132]
1998 9-AC Phase II 120 h iv/wk x 3 wks* at 480 µg/m2/d Not clear, likely used the No 2 recipe 17 naïve pts w metastatic colorectal cancer; no responses observed; toxicity: granulocytopenia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea No 11 [133]
1998 9-AC Phase I 24 h iv/wk x4 at 0.7-1.9 mg/m2, 5 wk/c* CD formulation (see No 8) 16 of 20 pts w 5-Fu resistant colorectal cancer; toxicity: NP and diarrhea; Phase II: 1.65 mg/m2 No 12 [134]
1998 9-NC Phase I Po d1-5/wk at 1, 1.5, 2 mg/m2/d in turn for 28, 68 & 159 wks Not clear (full paper is inaccessible) 43 pts w resistant metastatic cancer; DLT: anemia, NP, TCP, diarrhea; 5 pts w pancreatic, breast, ovarian & hematologic tumors had response; DS: 14 pts; 1 pt got 18-month TX No 13 [135]
1998 9-AC Phase II 72 h iv in 2 wk*; at 59-45.8 µg/m2/h w G-CSF DMA-PEG400-phosphoric acid (see No 2). 58 pts w IIIB/IV NSCLC; PR: 5 pts; toxicity: NP, TCP; data not suggested further evaluation w the doses and schedule used. No 14 [136]
1998 9-AC Phase II 72 h iv in 3 wk* at 40 µg/m2/h DMA-PEG400-phosphoric acid (see No 2). 45 pts w relapsed or refractory lymphomas; PR: 10 pts; G-CSF reduced NP & diarrhea rates, but no help in dose increase; DLT: TCP. No 15 [137]
1999 9-AC Phase I po d1-7 or d1-14 at 0.25 to 1.1 mg/m2/d 3 wk/c*; Gelatin capsules: same as or similar to No 7 30 pts w solid tumors; DLT: NP, TCP; PR: 1 pt; (recommended) phase II dose: 0.84 mg/m2/d No 16 [138]
1999 9-AC Phase I po at 0.25 to 1.5 mg/m2/d on d1, d6 or on d1, d8; Gelatin capsules: same as or similar to No 7 32 pts w solid tumors; PK focus; linear and dose-independent PK w small intrapatient kinetic variability; lactone form > 10% No 17 [139]
1999 9-AC Phase I 0.5 h iv at ≥ 0.4 mg/m(2)/d on d1-5/wk x 3 CD (see No 8); further dilution w saline if needed 31 pts w resistant solid tumors; DLT: TCP, NP; PR: 1 pt; recommend phase II: 1.1 mg/m2/d; there is 10% lactone form No 18 [140]
1999 9-AC Phase II 72 h iv at 35.4-59 µg/m2/h in 2 wk x 2; DMA-PEG400-phosphoric acid (see No 2). 80 pts w solid tumors; NP was the main toxicity; no tumor response; no lactone versus carboxylate information but a total of both were measured. No 19 [141]
1999 9-NC Phase II po d1-4/wk* at 1.5 mg/m2/d Not clear (full paper is inaccessible) 29 pts w resistant ovarian, tubal or peritoneal cancer; 7% remission and 34% obtained SD. Major toxicity: anemia, NP, TCP and diarrhea. No 20 [142]
1999 9-AC Phase I 7 d iv at ≥ 0.2 mg/m2/d in 3-4 wk x ≤ 2*; CD (see No 8); 100 µg/ml further dilution w sterile water 39 pts w resistant blood cancer; major toxicity: mucositis and diarrhea; no complete or partial remission was observed. No 21 [143]
1999 9-NC Phase II po at 1.5 mg/m2/d d1-5/wk in 8 wk*; Capsule form (SuperGen provided (see No 7) 107 pts w advanced pancreatic cancer; 60 pts finished 2 8 wk courses; safe & efficacious; DLT: myelosuppression, interstitial cystitis No 22 [144]
2000 9-AC Phase II 72 h iv at 45 µg/m2/h; w G-CSF in 2 wk x ≥ 1*; Not described in the paper 18 pts w resistant breast cancer; major toxicity: granulocytopinia and TCP; 2 out of 15 assessable pts showed limited responses. No 23 [145]
2000 9-AC Phase II 72 h iv at 35.4 µg/m2/h in 2 wk x ≥ 1*; Like used the recipe in No 2 14 pts w H&N SCC; OR: 0 pt; hematologic toxicity was modest and promptly reversible. No 24 [146]
2000 9-AC Phase II 72 h iv or 120 iv at 45.8 or 20 µg/m2/h w or w/o G-CSF, 4 wk/c* DMA-PEG400-phosphoric acid (see No 2) 51 naïve pts w metastatic colorectal carcinoma; high toxicity (leukopinia, TCP, NP, diarrhea, hepatotoxicity); 1/40 showed response; 3 pts died from treatment toxicity. No 25 [147]
2000 9-NC Phase I Aerosolization d1-5 at 6.7 µg/kg/d in 3 wk x 2-14* Aerosolized liposomal 6 pts w tumor metastasis to lung; no side effect higher than grade 2 was observed; plasma 9-NC: 37 to 4.9 ng/ml in 24 h; SD: 2 pts No 26 [148]
2000 9-NC Phase I po d1-5 at 1.5 mg/d in 3 wk; Cis 30-60 mg/m2/d x 1 No formulation information provided in the full paper 12 pts w unclear cancer type; DLT not reached; 10 pts received ≥ 2 courses; OR: 0 pt; No 27 [149]
2001 9-AC Phase II 72 h iv/2 wk x ≥ 2* at 46 µg/m2/h w G-CSF Formulation is not clear (full paper is inaccessible) 12 pts w advanced lymphoma; the study was prematurely terminated due to toxicity; 3 pts died due to sepsis after their last 9-AC treatment No 28 [150]
2001 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/wk at 1.5-2 mg/m3/d up to 37 wk* Gelatin capsules (no details in full paper); refer to No 7 19 pts w advanced pancreatic cancer; OR: 4/14 pts; subjective responses: 13/14; toxicity terminated treatment in 7 pts No 29 [151]
2001 9-AC Phase I 120 h iv/3-4 wk x ≥ 2* at 0.41-0.77 mg/m2/d Both DMA-PEG400-phosphoric acid and CD, no details (see No 2 & No 8) 55 pts w solid tumors; OR: 1 pt; minor responses on pts w lung and colon cancer were also observed; DLT: NP, TCP, and diarrhea. No 30 [152]
2002 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/wk* at 1.5 mg/m2/d Formation is not clear (full paper is inaccessible) 28 pts w metastatic melanoma; SD: 4 pts for 3, 4, 6 and 8 months; diarrhea, moderate hematopoietic toxicity, No 31 [153]
2002 9-AC Phase I ip q2d x 6/4 wk x ≥ 1c* at 1.25-13.5 mg/m2 Formation is not clear (full paper is inaccessible) 12 pts w peritoneal cancer; DLT: NP; 2 pts had objective evidence of clinical benefit and only one had progressive disease No 32 [154]
2002 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/3 wk* at 1.5 mg/m2/d Formulation was not described in the paper. 15 eligible pts w advanced glioblastoma multiforme; NP and TCP were common; SD: 5 pts; not support for this disease use No 33 [155]
2002 9-NC Phase II po (fast vs. food) d1-5/wk* at 1.5 - 2.0 mg/m2/d Gelatin capsules w drug-lactose mix inside (see No 7) 19 pts w naive advanced colorectal cancer; DLT: diarrhea, leucopinia, NP; toxicity well tolerated but no objective response; No 34 [156]
2002 9-NC Phase I po d1-5/wk x 2 wk at ≥ 0.75 mg/m2/d; Gem, iv 9-NC from SuperGen Inc, so likely capsule (see No 7) 21 pts w advanced malignancies; DLT: NT, TCP; SD: 5/18 evaluable pts; MTD: 9NC 1 mg/m2, Gem 1000 mg/m2 on d1and d8/3 wk No 35 [157]
2003 9-AC Phase I 72 h iv/2 wks* at 25-59 µg/m2/h CD formulation (see No 8) 20 pts w resistant solid tumors; DLT: granulocytopenia; no antitumor response; (recommended) Phase II dose: 47 µg/m2/h No 36 [158]
2003 9-NC Phase I po: d1-5/2 wk; combination w capercitabine Gelatin capsules w 9-NC and lactose inside. 21 pts w metastatic solid tumors; DLT: nausea, emesis; SD: 9 pts. No 37 [159]
2003 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/wk* at 1.5 mg/m2/d Gelatin capsules w 9-NC w lactose inside. 56 pts w GI tumor or STS; well tolerated but inactive in GI; minimal activity in pts w STS. No 38 [160]
2003 9-AC Phase I iv followed w po using complex schedules. CD formulation (see No 8 for details) 32 pts w advanced solid tumors; DLT: anemia, NP, TCP; SD: 2 pts; lack of activity. No 39 [161]
2004 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/wk x 3/c* at 1.5 mg/m2/d Formulation unclear (full paper is inaccessible). 20 pts w advanced resistant urothelial tract tumors; acceptable toxicity; PR: 1 pt No 40 [162]
2004 9-AC Phase II 72 h iv/2 wk* at 35 µg/m2/h DMA-PEG400-phosphoric acid (see No 2). 60 pts w ovarian carcinoma treated; 4 full and 6 partial remissions (none was platinum-resistant); SD: 19 pts; DLT: NP, TCP, anemia No 41 [163]
2004 9-AC Phase II 120 h iv/2 wk at 25 µg/m2/h 3 wk/c* Formulation unclear (full paper is inaccessible). 15 pts w naïve metastatic gastric cancer; SD: 3 pts lasting 3.4 months; DLT: NP, anemia No 42 [164]
2004 9-NC Phase I/II po A: d1-5/wk in 2 wk; B: d1-14 in 4 wk; C: d1-5 in 8 wk crystalline powder in hard gelatin capsules (see No7 and 34) Pts w solid tumor: 34 on d1 PK, 11 on d10, d11 PK for A; 9 on d10, d11 PK for B; 4 for phase II on d1; focus PK; big interpatient and intrapatient variation of 9-NC vs. 9-AC No 43 [165]
2004 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/wk* at 1.5 mg/m2/d Formulation unclear (full paper is inaccessible). 17 pts w resistant metastatic breast cancer; SD: 6 pts; nausea, vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea were common No 44 [166]
2004 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/wk x 3* at 1.5 mg/m2/d Gelatin capsules (see No 7) 35 pts w SCLC; no objective responses were observed; Toxicity was acceptable (TCP, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea) No 45 [167]
2004 9-NC Phase I Aerosolization; 6.7-26.6 µg/kg/d x 5 for 1-6 wk Liposome using dilauroylphosphatidyl choline (DLPC) 25 pts w advanced lung cancer; the aerosol route is feasible and safe; 2 pts showed partial remissions; SD: 3 pts No 46 [168]
2004 9-NC Phase I po d1-5/wk x 2 in 4 wk or d1-14/4 wk Unclear in full paper (likely capsule, see No 7 or No34) 26 pts w advanced solid tumors; DLT: NP, TCP, diarrhea; SD: 3 pts; PR: 1 pt; Phase II: 2.43 and 1.70 mg/m2/d No 47 [169]
2004 9-NC Phase III po d1-5/wk x 8 wk* at 1.5 mg/m2/d; SuperGen involved studies; so likely capsule (see No 7) Resistant pancreatic cancer: 198 pts (9-NC) vs. 211 pts (best care); no median survival difference but MS and PFS favored to 9-NC pts; Conclusions: The study can achieve tumor growth control with an acceptable risk-benefit ratio for the disease with few treatment options. No 48 [170]
2005 9-NC Phase III po d1-5/wk* at 1.5 mg/m2; 5-Fu iv weekly at 600 mg/m2 Capsules 224 pts w resistant pancreatic cancer; In the evaluable group, 14 of 35 pts achieved tumor growth control (OR: 4 pts; SD: 10 Pts); no survival improvement evidenced; No 49 [171]
No 50 [121]
2005 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/wk* at 1.25 mg/m2/d 9-NC from SuperGen Inc, so likely capsule (see No 7) 51 pts w advanced chordoma, STS or GIST; OR: 2 pts; major toxicity: anemia, leukopenia, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea No 51 [172]
2005 9-AC Phase II 120 h iv/wk in 3 wk* at 25 µg/m2/h CD formulation (see No 8) 56 pts w platinum-resistant ovarian cancer; major toxicity: NP, leukopenia, anemia, TCP; CR: 4 pts; PR: 4 pts; SD: 18 pts No 52 [173]
2005 9-NC Phase I po d1-5/wk• at 1-1.25 mg/m2/d; 45 Gy/5 wks of radiation 9-NC from SuperGen Inc, so likely capsule (see No 7) 8 pts w locally advanced pancreatic cancer; DLT: nausea/vomiting, fatigue, anorexia, leukopenia, dehydration; Conclusion: 1 mg/m2/day can be given w radiation No 53 [174]
2005 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/wk* at 1.5, 1.75 and/or 2.0 mg/m2/d Unclear, likely capsule (see No 7) 17 pts w IIIB(9), IV(8) naive NSCLC; well tolerated (no NP, TCP); SD: 10 pts; conclusion: inactive at doses used for this type of NSCLC. No 54 [175]
2005 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/wk x 8 wk at 1.5 mg/m2/d Unclear, likely capsule (see No 7) 58 pts w resistant pancreatic cancer; PR: 3/43 pts; SD: 7/43 pts; common toxicity: gastrointestinal and hematologic toxicity No 55 [176]
2006 9-AC Phase I 72 h iv/2 wk* at 46 µg/m2/h Formulation unclear (full paper is inaccessible). 14 pts w glioblastoma multiforme (GBM); DLT: lymphopenia, NP; lack activity against GBM, no further trial necessary for 9-AC in GBM No 56 [177]
2006 9-AC Phase I 7 d (DMA) iv or 21 d (CD) iv at ≥ 6.2 µg/m2/h Both DMA & CD formulations used (see No 2 and No 8) 57 pts w resistant solid tumor; DLT: NP, TCP; OR: 6/57 pts; 9AC/CD has ~2x lactone form of those from 9AC/DMA for the same dose level. No 57 [178]
2006 9-NC Phase I po d1-3 (9NC at 0.75-2 mg/m2), then etoposide Formulation not provided in the paper 45 pts with advanced cancer; DLT: NP, TCP, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fatigue in 6 pts; OR: 2 pts; SD: 13 pts; No 58 [179]
2006 9-NC Phase I po w or w/o fast at 1.5 mg/m2; then d1-5/wk 0.5 mg tablets from SuperGen, Inc. (Dublin, CA, USA) 16 pts w solid tumors; SD: 2 pts for 8 wks; food recued 9-NC absorption but no 9-AC exposure difference; high inter-patient variability No 59 [180]
2006 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/wk* at 1.5 mg/m2/d; Drug from SuperGen Inc, likely capsule (see No 7) 16 pts w resistant metastatic breast cancer; SD: 5/13 pts; grade 3/4 toxicity: allergy, pain, diarrhea, TCP(2), myalgia No 60 [181]
2006 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/wk* at 1.5 mg/m2/d Formulation unclear (full paper is inaccessible). 14 pts w advanced 5Fu-resistant colorectal cancer; well tolerated; DLT: anemia, diarrhea; no response/no seen clinical activity. No 61 [182]
2008 9-NC Phase I iv Cis on d1, then po 9NC d1-5/wk x 3 wk Formulation unclear (full paper is inaccessible) 51 pts w resistant solid tumors; DLT: TCP, NP; 1 pt w partial remission; SD: 12 pts; Phase II: Cip/9NC, 60 mg/m2/1.25 mg/d or 40 vs. 2.0 No 62 [183]
2008 9-NC Phase II po d1-5/wk* at 1.5 mg/m2/d; Crystal powder in gelatin capsule, likely from Supergene Inc. 19 pts w resistant metastatic head-&-neck cancer; SD: 3/13 pts & 10 progressed; 3 died shortly after treatment; DLT: anemia NP, TCP No 63 [184]
2009 9-AC Phase II 72 h iv/2 wk*; 0.85 mg/m2/d (DMA); 1.1 mg/m2/d (CD) Both DMA and CD formulations used (see No 2 and No 8) 37 pts w relapsed lymphoma; OR rate: ~17% similar in both formulations; DLT: NP, anemia, TCP; serum drug level not link to response & toxicity No 64 [185]
2011 9-NC Phase I po once at 1.25-1.75 mg/m2; then d1-5/wk at 1.5 mg/m2 Capsules from Qilu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, China 23 pts w advanced solid tumors; PK focused, no serous toxicity; There was 2-13 fold variabilities in 9-NC and 9-AC exposure among different pts No 65 [186]