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. 2017 Sep 22;91(1):91–103. doi: 10.1007/s00420-017-1260-9

Table 3.

Deviances of various risks models and lag times for CVD mortality

Exposure Lag time, years Deviance ERR/100 WLMa
RDP exposure 0 2737.128 0.12
5 2737.205 0.12
10 2737.425 0.11
15 2737.542 0.11
20 2737.355 0.13
Gamma-ray doses 0 2737.889 0.13
5 2737.890 0.13
10 2738.079 0.12
15 2738.172 0.12
20 2738.163 0.13

CVD cardiovascular diseases, deviance −2 log likelihood of the fitted model from the maximum likelihood estimation procedure, ERR/Sv excess relative risk per 1 Sv

a Model adjusted for calendar time, age at risk, cohort and duration of employment (<6 vs. 6 + months; Port Hope cohort only) by stratification. Gamma-ray doses were not included in the model

b Model adjusted for calendar time, age at risk, cohort and duration of employment (<6 vs. 6+ months; Port Hope cohort only) by stratification. RDP exposures were not included in the model