Characteristics of ASCs. (A) IF staining assays in ESCs and ASCs, including those detect the expression of KLF4, E-CADHERIN, ESSRB and PRDM14 in ASCs. Scale bars, 10 μm. (B) Germline transmission of ASCs in E12.5 chimeras shown by GOF-GFP-positive cells (arrow). Scale bars, 100 μm. (C) Chimeric pups (arrows) generated by injecting ASCs in ICR host blastocysts. (D) A schematic depiction of placenta tissue indicates the contribution of ASCs (tdTomato) to labyrinth of placenta in E10.5 chimeras (white arrows). Scale bars, 1 mm. (E, F) Schematic depiction of the yolk sac, and the contribution of ASCs (tdTomato) to the extraembryonic mesoderm (red) in E10.5 chimeras. Scale bars, 100 μm. (G) Pups (arrows) generated entirely from ASCs (between 129/sv females and GOF-GFP males) in tetraploid ICR host blastocysts. (H) The F1 pups generated by ASCs-tetraploid male (arrows) mated with ICR female. (I) The efficiency of clonal line derived from single ASCs. (J) Chimeras (E6.5-E10.5) generated with single ASC. White arrows indicate embryonic body; yellow arrows mark yolk sac; and red arrows point placenta. Scale bars for E6.5-7.5, 200 μm; scale bars for E8.5-10.5, 2 mm. ExM, extraembryonic mesoderm; la, labyrinth; st, spongetrophectoderm; tg, trophectoderm giant cell; VEnd, visceral endoderm.