Figure 1.
Hyperglycemia (high glucose) increases TRPC6. A, B. RT-PCR showed that TRPC1, TRPC2, TRPC3, TRPC4 and TRPC6 were expressed in the mouse renal cortex, while TRPC5 and TRPC7 were not detectable. C. Western blot analysis demonstrated that the TRPC6 protein level of kidney cortical lysates was significantly increased in diabetic mice compared with nondiabetic mice (*p<0.05), while TRPC3 was unaltered. n=5 mice/group. D. Differentiated human podocytes were treated with high glucose for 6 days. Western blot analysis showed that high glucose increased TRPC6 protein level obviously (***p<0.0001), while TRPC3 was not affected. The administration of mannitol was performed to exclude osmotic effects. NG, normal glucose (5.6 mmol/l); HG, high glucose (40 mmol/l); NG+M, normal glucose with added 34.4 mmol/l mannitol. Data are representative of three separate experiments.