Example of a video frame demonstrating the behavioral assay in which a male mouse (only male mice were used) was exposed to a piece of blotting paper impregnated with SBT (stimulus) or ACSF buffer (control). Behavioral experiments involving adult WT and GC‐G KO mice (8 weeks old) were exposed successively for 5 min to SBT.
In the presence of SBT, the walking distance [measured in meters (m)] was significantly higher in GC‐G‐KO than in WT mice.
Traces reflecting all positions along the trajectory that a representative WT or GC‐G‐KO mouse traveled in the testing chamber during a 5‐min session in the presence of SBT or ACSF (control). The position of the blotting paper soaked with either SBT or ACSF is indicated by the blue rectangle.
D, E
Percentage of time spent by WT and GC‐G‐KO mice in each of the two opposite cage areas [area 1 (E) and area 2 (D) are circumscribed by the yellow rectangles in (A)] in the presence of SBT or ACSF.
In the presence of SBT, the percentage of freezing time was decreased in GC‐G‐KO mice as compared to WT animals.
SBT‐evoked elevation of the plasma concentration of the stress hormone corticosterone was impaired in GC‐G‐KO mice as compared to WT conspecifics.
The time [measured in seconds (s)] required to find a hidden cookie was not affected in GC‐G‐KO mice. For each genotype, six animals were tested. Experiments were conducted on three subsequent days (d).
< 0.01. For each genotype, six animals were tested.