Figure 3. TBK1 promotes mTORC1 signaling independently of mTORC2‐dependent Akt S473 phosphorylation.
- mTORC1 signaling remains intact in MEFs lacking mTORC2 function. Rictor−/− MEFs stably expressing vector control (V) or rescued stably with HA‐rictor were serum‐starved (20 h), pre‐treated with Ku‐0063794 [1 μM] (30 min), and stimulated −/+ epidermal growth factor (EGF) [25 ng/ml] (30 min). Whole‐cell lysates (WCL) were immunoblotted as indicated. The arrow indicates mTOR auto‐phosphorylated on S2481.
- TBK1 is required for mTORC1 signaling in MEFs with reduced Akt S473 phosphorylation. TBK1 expression was reduced using lentivirally delivered TBK1 shRNA in Rictor−/− MEFs stably expressing vector control (V). Cells were EGF stimulated as above, except Torin1 [100 nM] (T) was used to inhibit mTOR.