Figure 4.
Validation of the acetyl-T22 in human histone H3 by immune assays. (a) Specificity of the anti-H3T22ac antibody was demonstrated by dot blot assay using four synthetic peptides: H3T22, un-acetylated peptide KQLATKAAR; H3T22ac, acetylated peptide KQLATacKAAR; M8S253ac, acetylated peptide KSacPLTEPNFENKC; M8S71ac, acetylated peptide TSacITPSSQDICRICHCEGDC. 50 and 500 ng of the peptides were used as indicated; (b) Detection of H3T22ac in human histones from different cell lysates. HEK293T (lane 1) and HeLa (lane 2) cell lysates were resolved by SDS-PAGE and detected by western blot assay using the antibodies against H3 (bottom) and H3T22ac (top).